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    Young Reader Authors

    Kids adore stories. They help them open their minds to an amazing imaginary world filled with adventures, excitement, and knowledge. But, you know this already—just remember some of your favorite books when you were growing up. Remember how all those stories transformed your view of the world?

    If your passion lies in telling captivating stories of faraway lands, dragons, magic, and whatever else sparks your joy, join Professor Koester’s Young Reader Book Creators program.

    – Get Started

    Learn how to write enthralling stories to inspire children’s adventurous spirit

    This pilot program is designed to help aspiring authors create charming, whimsical books for children aged 7 to 14. You can choose a genre—fiction, creative nonfiction, even teaching fiction (using a fictionalized story to teach a key lesson)—and create a special book for the little ones.

    Professor Eric Koester will guide you through the complete process of book writing and act as your coach. You will work with book publishers and learn from the very beginning how to promote your work, market it, and leverage pre-sale to cover production expenses. Professor Koester will show you how you can pursue your passion and become a well-known author without any out-of-pocket expenses.

    Learn how to tell an engaging story that will tickle imagination and curiosity and become someone’s treasured childhood memorabilia.

    No idea?
    No problem.

    Don’t worry if you don’t have a clear idea in mind for the topic of your project!

    About 70% of creators do NOT have a firm idea for their topic at the very beginning. That is why you will receive a questionnaire to fill in before the call with Professor Koester, to help you identify or solidify your young reader book topic and give the professor some background information on you that will help identify the topic for your project during the call.

    – Course outline

    Program Details

    Creators will receive a series of videos, activities, and exercises to create the first draft of a book. Periodically, there will be virtual workshops and additional working sessions.

    During the 20-week program, creators will meet:

    • each week virtually via Zoom for one hour;
    • on regular “group creation sessions” (4-5 times per month) via Zoom.

    At the end of the 20-week program, creators can continue into the next phase to:

    • produce their book draft with a professional production team;
    • publish their young reader book.

    Participation in the 20-week program is free; creators only pay for professional editing service:

    • full-time student creators: $299 during the program;
    • non-college and graduate participants pay $599 to their developmental editor.

    Approved creators are eligible to produce their work through the Creators Program of New Degree Studios that enables them to pre-sell their book before it’s finished, which provides creators a path to:

    • develop their audience early in the production process;
    • own all rights to their book with no out-of-pocket costs (creators will use their pre-sale proceeds to fund production expenses such as equipment, editing, video/audio production, visual design, distribution, and marketing support).

    – Enrolment dates

    When do programs begin?

    Author programs for nonfiction, fiction, memoir/creative nonfiction, and poetry are run up to three times per year, typically beginning in February (spring), June (summer), and October (fall).

    – Fees & charges

    Program Costs

    ​​Our Award-winning Modern Author Accelerator program provided a blend of a community of peer authors AND one-one-on-one weekly coaching, editing, and marketing support to provide accountability and exceptional outcomes. Only 10% of individuals interested in the program are accepted, and each applicant will go through a review process to determine the uniqueness of the author’s category (to help ensure their book can define a new category).

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    Authors who have a complete draft manuscript may be admitted to our award-winning publishing programs. Historically, acceptance rates vary, but upon a full editorial review we will invite you to leverage our publishing program: Our 2022-2025 Acceptance rates — nonfiction (14-16%) and fiction/memoir (8-9%).

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    On a highly selective basis, Eric will collaborate one-on-one with authors in need of greater individual coaching and feedback. This program is NOT recommended for 99% of individuals, but for an author with a specific need for individualized support, guidance, editorial, and potentially aspects of selected ghostwriting, Professor Koester will work individually. Feel free to reach out for a quote on my individual book coaching programs: rates will generally be $100,000 to $200,000.

    Request a Quote

    *"Open Source" creator programs are programs where one of the participants facilitates the program with Professor Koester's help/support.

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